- Equilibristics/balancing, juggling, manipulation, aerial, acrobatics, clowning
- International Youth Exchanges
- Professional Training Opportunities such as CTF (Circus Transformation)
- Stage presence
- Scratch Night: A monthly event produced by our Pierrot group, is a monthly showing organised by the Pierrot’s, Youth Forum and Tutors as an informal evening for artists to present work in progress to their peers in a safe and supportive environment.
- Event Production: All elements of circus and performance
All of our members have the opportunity to take part in Galway Community Circus performances – from theatre shows and Big Top Tent shows to street performances and parades. Participation is strictly voluntary and tremendously fun!
We are not currently running and Pierrot Circus classes. If you would like to get involved, please email info@galwaycircus.com.
The Youth Circus programme year starts in September and runs to June every year. There are 11 weeks in the autumn term (September to December) and 19 weeks in the spring term (January to June).
When you or your child register for this class, you are registering them for weekly classes until spring term ends.
For class times, see the timetable below. For information on registration and fees, click the link below.
For more information and updates on registration, upcoming classes, workshops and events, please sign up for our newsletter here.