Skills taught:

Juggling/manipulation, balancing/equilibristic, acrobatics/tumbling and aerial. These classes are beneficial for balance, hand-eye coordination, motor skills and strength, as well as providing valuable bonding time for you and your little one.

In Toddler Circus our focus is on:

  • Supporting family bonding
  • Learning to play, be creative and take safe risks together
  • Encouraging social interaction from an early age - learning to share and take turns and building social skills.
  • Acquiring basic motor skills and developing an age-appropriate level of physical literacy
  • Feeling safe and comfortable being the centre of attention within the group
The strength, coordination and courage that I have seen in my child in the short time we have been attending Circus is just incredible, she loves it, I love it and the social aspect after each class is just magic. I think everyone should run away with the circus Toddler Circus Parent 2019

How to get involved:

Weekly Toddler Circus classes have concluded for the summer.

Registration for autumn term Toddler Circus classes is currently open. Autumn term classes will begin on 23rd of September 2024.

We are now offering a Toddler Circus class in Galway East (Mervue). Click here for more details.

For more information and updates on registration, upcoming classes, workshops and events, please sign up for our newsletter here.

Please note: For Toddler Circus classes, parents/guardians are required to stay for class, and the class operates on a one parent, one child policy. This means a parent/guardian must register with a child. For Toddler Circus classes, parents/guardians are NOT charged for registration.

Autumn Term 2024 Toddler Circus Classes

Day Time Start Date Weeks
Mondays 10-11am 23/09/2024 11
Mondays 11:30am-12:30pm 23/09/2024 11
Thursdays 9:30-10:30am 26/09/2024 11
Saturdays - SOLD OUT 9-10am 28/09/2024 11
Saturdays - SOLD OUT 10:30-11:30am 28/09/2024 11

Toddler Circus is funded in part by the Galway Childcare Committee.