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Galway Community Circus holds a variety of circus camps throughout the year. Our camps are held during mid-term breaks and summer holidays and can involve cross artform collaboration, group and individual projects, skill specification and always lots of circus fun!

As the content for camps changes each year, we ask that you keep an eye on all our social media channels and check back here from time to time. (Camp content will be on our website one month prior to the commencement of the camp.)

You can also sign up to our newsletter to receive information on Galway Community Circus and what we offer throughout the year. We send a newsletter with updates and offerings each month.

Our summer camps teach mixed circus skills, including aerial, acrobatics, tightwire and more.

Galway Community Circus also run cross curricular camps with a tech groups such as Techspace, Google, SAP and Coder Dojo and other community organisations.

If you have a query about circus camps, please email