Our Impact
In our programmes, we empower young people to be active citizens, confident in themselves, considerate of others, and equipped to take risks, try new things and persist when faced with personal challenges.
Our programmes follow a plan with key learning objectives set by our tutors tailored to each group. We help build balance, hand-eye coordination, body awareness, communication and focus. Circus is suitable for all body types, levels of fitness and abilities.
As well as training, our programmes can support participants to devise performances, from large scale theatre shows to small community shows.
We envision and expect that the accomplishment of our activities and our Theory of Change will lead to long-term impact.
Some of the benefits of circus include:
- Strengthens confidence and builds self-esteem
- Non-competitive and body positive
- Its inclusivity offers a sense of community and support which allows for safe risk-taking
- Play and circus interaction helps the development of young children, introducing them to skills early and helping them understand care, teamwork and empathy
- Works out your brain
- Fights anxiety and depression by increasing endorphins
- Strengthen muscles and creates greater flexibility
- Enables better focus