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Erasmus+ Funambulism Projects

Our funambulism projects have been supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme since 2017.

Together with our partners we have completed five Erasmus+ funded projects to date allowing professional development for 36 European circus artists/teachers. Erasmus+ supported Galway Community Circus on several programmes that were part of our funambulism projects, Wires Crossed and LifeLine, which are listed below.

Wires Crossed – A Balancing Act for Europe (Level 1)

Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership Project (2017-2018)

The project saw the development of the world’s first pedagogic methodology for teaching FunLine and funambulism as a participatory activity, and training in this methodology for 12 European circus tutors from Belgium, Ireland and Germany facilitated by Denis Josselin and Bruno Frenette.

Lead Partner: Galway Community Circus

Other Partners: Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles (BE), CABUWAZI (DE)

Wires Crossed – A Balancing Act For Europe (Level 2)

Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership Project (2018-2019)

Follow up to the Level 1 training looking at teaching funambulism at intermediate level and training in rigging and health and safety. Delivery of this training to 12 youth circus tutors from Belgium, Ireland and Germany facilitated by Denis Josselin and Bruno Frenette.

Lead Partner: Galway Community Circus

Other Partners: Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles (BE), CABUWAZI (DE)

Wires Crossed: Balance Your Fear

Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership Project (2018-2019)

Development of methodology for using funambulism to work with people recovering from trauma, and training in this methodology for 12 youth circus tutors from Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic and Sweden. Facilitated by Denis Josselin and Bruno Frenette.

Lead Partner: CABUWAZI (DE)

Other Partners: Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles (BE), CIRQUEON (CZ), Cirkus Cirkör (SE)

Wires Crossed: Mind Your Balance

Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership Project (2019-2020)

The programme focuses on training for trainers, where 12 youth circus tutors from the four EU countries will train in teaching funambulism as a tool for engaging and supporting youth experiencing mental health difficulties. Facilitated by Bruno Frenette.

Lead Partner: Galway Community Circus

Other partners: Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles (BE), Zaltimbanq’ Zircus (LUX), The Serious Road Trip Romania

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange / European Youth Ensemble

LifeLine: Balance 2022
Erasmus+ KA1 funded project, now taking place as part of LifeLine in July 2022

A 9-day youth exchange in Galway for 42 young people from 7 EU countries exploring youth mental health, wellbeing and creativity. Participants in the youth exchange will train in wirewalking in their own circus schools before arriving in Galway where they will then create a performance together for the LifeLine highwire spectacle, forming the European Youth Ensemble. The theme of the exchange is funambulism and youth mental health and wellbeing, and participants will explore these topics together in a fun, creative way while developing their performance.

European youth circus school partners: Ecolé de Cirque de Bruxelles, Cirkus Cirkör, CIRQUEON, Coraggio - Die Kulturanstifter, Circus Amersfoort and Școala de Circ