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We partnered with the University of Galway and European partners to develop third level education for youth and social circus teachers in Ireland and Europe.

Project Details:

Erasmus+ KA2: Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education
Main objective: Development of Innovation
Title: Youth and Social Circus Arts - An Innovative and Inclusive Education for Europe
Timeframe: 2014-2016 and 2019-2022

Partners of Circus++

  1. University of Tampere (Finland, lead partner)
  2. Sorin Sirkus (Finland)
  3. Cirkus Cirkor (Sweden)
  4. Stockholm University of the Arts (Sweden)
  5. CIRQUEON (Czech Republic)
  6. Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde (France)
  7. University of Paris Sud (France)
  8. International Youth and Social Circus Network CARAVAN
  9. University of Galway (Ireland)
  10. Galway Community Circus (Ireland)

Youth and Social Circus Pedagogy Final Publication